790 Madison Avenue, Suite 705 (between 66th & 67th Streets)
Hours: by appointment only. 212.734.9776 contact@antiquariumart.com
Egyptian Faience Amulet of Isis and Horus
The pale greenish blue glazed faience amulet depicts Isis enthroned, nursing Harpokrates (the child Horus). Intact.
Late Period, Dynasties XXVI-XXX, (ca. 664-332BC).
Height: 5.8 cm. (2 5/16 in.)
ex: European collection, prior to 1997; thence an American collection 1998-2007
BRAFA Art Fair. (Brussels, 26 Jan- 2 Feb 2020)
Antiquarium Ltd.; Women in Ancient Art (New York, 1997) p.28
Comparanda:Friedman, Florence (ed.); Gifts of the Nile. Ancient Egyptian Faience (New York, 1998) no.155.bSchoske, Sylvia & Deitrich Wildung; Gott und Gotter im Alten Agypten (Mainz am Rhein, 1992) no.68