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Near Eastern Ivory Amulet of a Leaping Leopard

late 4th Millennium BC

Height: 7.7 cm. (3 in.)

(Max. Measurements)


ex: private European collection, 1980’s

Published: Antiquarium Ltd.; Ancient Treasures IX. (New York, 2011) p.3

Comparanda: Christie’s; The Erlenmeyer Collection of Ancient Near Eastern Stamp Seals and Amulets (London, 06.06.1989) nos.266 Behm-Blancke, Manfred Robert; Das Tierbild in der altmesopotamischen Rundplastik : eine Untersuchung zum Stilwandel des frühsumerischen Rundbildes (Mainz am Rhein, 1979) pl.21, nos.100a-b

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